This forum


Esteemed Member
Dean was nice enough to create this subforum designed to display crotons in the landscape. It's a place we can post photos of croton combinations or crotons with companion plantings from our own yards or gardens we have visited or come across. This should serve as inspiration for us and give us ideas of plantings or color combinations that look great together as well as plants that complement each other.

This forum can be used in many ways. You can post areas of your garden today and in the same thread update us on the same areas six months or a year later so we can see the changes and growth you've accomplished. You can keep your own thread on your own garden indefinitely which can serve as a reminder to yourself of what your garden and what your crotons were like a year or two ago. If you travel to tropical countries, you might post photos of the croton landscapes you saw there. When you visit domestic tropical public gardens you can do the same.

Please reserve this forum for landscape or plant combinations. I thought I'd post a few examples of some of my favorite croton landscape photos from this forum so far.