Ceroxylon parvifrons

Geoff Stein - Author & Editor

Pronunciation: sir-OX-ih-lawn PAR-vih-fronz

Common Name: Golden Wax Palm, Ramo Palm

Ceroxylon parvifrons is so far a very rare palm in cultivation, partly due to its extreme fastidiousness, and partly due to its rarity in the wild (endangered palm)… from the mountains of Andes of several South American countries where it grows up to 10,000 feet, the highest altitude of any palm in the world. It is a relatively small Ceroxylon, though not the smallest, but it has probably the best appearance of all the Ceroxylons, having neatly recurved leaves and a nice crownshaft as well. The trunk, as in most Ceroxylons, is waxy and strikingly white, adorned with grey rings. Sadly it is not a great palm for most of California, though does well in the bay area in northern California, particularly in San Francisco, where the lack of frosts and heat waves and relatively consistent cool humidity support the growth of this species. Some have tried growing this in southern California, but generally failing to make it thrive and there are no mature palms in that end of the state.

Appearance and Biology
  • Habit: solitary with a crown of 6-7 feather leaves
  • Height: 30' estimate
  • Trunk: single; about 6" in diameter; smooth and waxy; white and ringed with irregular dark grey rings
  • Crownshaft: 1' tall; rough and coppery tan
  • Spread: 8'
  • Leaf Description: pinnate; deep green dorsally and coppery on the undersides; recurved with closely spaced, non-plumose leaflet pattern; 4'-5' long; spreading though rarely hanging below the horizontal
  • Petiole/Leaf bases: 10"; slightly channeled; unarmed; un-split; coppery on the undersides
  • Reproduction: dioeceous
  • Inflorescence: 5' long and pendulous, with a few branches
  • Fruit: spherical; orange red when ripe; 1/2-1" in diameter
Horticultural Characteristics
  • Minimum Temp: 30F
  • Drought Tolerance: low
  • Dry Heat Tolerance: very low
  • Cool Tolerance: excellent
  • Wind Tolerance: moderate
  • Salt Tolerance: low
  • Growth Rate: slow
  • Soil Preference: moist and acidic
  • Light Requirement: partial to full sun as matures, but partial to full shade when young
  • Human Hazards: none
  • Disease or Horticultural Problems: very narrow 'happy' temperature range
  • Transplants?: unknown
  • Indoor?: poor choice (too needy of humidity)
  • Availability: very rare

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