
Esteemed Member
The Texas Phoenix Palm Decline is confirmed here in west central FL from the Tampa area to Sarasota. Palms susceptible to the phytoplasma are the Phoenix canariensis, dactylifera, sylvestris , reclinata , Sabal palmetto and Syagrus romanzoffiana. I have started the injecting of an antibiotic called Oxytetracycline (OTC) as a preventive on my palms. I have noticed a few P. canariensis in my area over to the USF area that show all the signs of TPPD and quite a few dead ones. Anyone else worried about the TPPD?
Here is a photo of my dactylifera that started declining in June that I believe has come attacked by TPPD and started my proactive treatment for this disease.
Man - it's always something. Please keep us in the loop with any good or bad news.
Dean, Well the news is not good on this one. After a afternoon storm today the palm is beginning to bow its head. A sample of tissue was sent off for testing for TPPD, but I really think this one is a weevil attack.
Scott I heard about this a couple of years ago then nothing. I was hoping that it had diminished on its own. Apparently not. I'm sure its gonna find its way down this way sooner or later. I think I recall this malady is very reminiscent to Lethal Yellowing but a different phytoplasma altogether.

Hopefully it will lay low periodically like LY.
Scott I heard about this a couple of years ago then nothing. I was hoping that it had diminished on its own. Apparently not. I'm sure its gonna find its way down this way sooner or later. I think I recall this malady is very reminiscent to Lethal Yellowing but a different phytoplasma altogether.

Hopefully it will lay low periodically like LY.
Ron, Lets hope this will diminish really quick. I am taking no chances and have started my palms on the preventive treatment.
Scott, unfortunately that doesn't look good. If it falls off, I would take a very close look for banana moth. They are very hard to find, but if you see any smaller than 1" whitish caterpillar type bugs in there you would be advised to pay attention. You have to look very closely.

I was loosing some palms for a few years, not knowing what the problem was, until I actually started carefully pulling apart some of the dead ones.
No weevils, no banana moth or any other type of bug was found. Waiting for the TPPD test results.