Need the croton minds.........


Esteemed Member
We have had about 8 inches of rain over the last 2 weeks . cant figure out why a lot of the new leaves are getting these brown spots on the new leaves . Not a pretty site. Help please , any thoughts ? To much water ? acid rain ? My green thumb turning brown .....? Fertilizer burn ?
I've seen this too. Here is my theory.

This is caused by a naturally occurring fungus. Spores are lying dormant on the leaves. The "cold" rain induces it development. Never see its happening with irrigation water, only rain. It does not spread, may "eat" a small hole through the leaf lamina. Nothing to fret about, it will grow out of it.
I've seen this too. Here is my theory.

This is caused by a naturally occurring fungus. Spores are lying dormant on the leaves. The "cold" rain induces it development. Never see its happening with irrigation water, only rain. It does not spread, may "eat" a small hole through the leaf lamina. Nothing to fret about, it will grow out of it.
Sounds good to me .....and it seems to be mainly on fresh growth . THANKS