Croton Society Meeting - October


Well-Known Member
I would like to once again host the Croton Society meeting at our garden in Boca Raton this October. As always, there will be plenty of competition quality barbecue, homemade baked beans, and salad for those who don't consider meat as important as breathing. We encourage you to bring a dessert and of course, a plant or two for the auction (as well as some cash!) I have a bunch of collectible Crotons in the mistbed that will be ready by then and some interesting fruit trees (seedlings) for the sale.

The question is the date and whether Saturday or Sunday will draw a larger crowd. October 9th and 16th are Saturdays and work for us. October 10th and 17th are Sundays and they are open as well.

I have a guarantee from the local weatherman that we will not have any hurricanes or severe tropical storms this season, so I feel confident in making plans now. Folks, what's your pleasure?