A Very Nice Miniature Ti - ID???


Staff member
I need a Ti expert - are you there ScotTi? Do you have this one? What is it? Notice the Quarter on s lower leaf for scale.

Dean, If you did not have the quarter on the leaf I would have said it was 'Tricolor' (aka 'Venustus'). 'Tricolor' would have a leaf width of 5 1/2" or about five and a half quarters wide.
Me a expert? No way, I am still learning. I learned just this past Sunday that what I have had for a few years now as 'Pink Diamond' (from Hawaii) is not. I picked one up from the Peters at a plant sale because I fell in love with the plant at first sight. Name was familiar to me but not the look. I went by to see Brenda afterwards and she also has the beautiful 'Pink Diamond' growing in her great new garden.
Scott - you may not think of yourself as an expert, but you are "our expert" by default.

I don't think there are many experts that have them all straight. When I Googled "Haleakala Ti" the other day, I was surprised at how many different Ti's were included in the images.