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  1. Brenton Cloud

    Can you group crotons species to grow together?

    Wondering if anyone packs in 2 or 3 different species to grow together as one?
  2. Brenton Cloud


    Anyone know who sells fishbone croton in Florida? I am looking for this variety in 7gal. Thanks.
  3. Brenton Cloud

    My first croton propagation

    I took the advice of a member on how to find rare and unusual crotons. Drove around the nice/old neighborhoods where I found old established crotons. I took a few cuttings and boom! In the vase. Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to upload the photo to this forum! Anyone ever considered moving...
  4. Brenton Cloud

    Where to buy crotons on west coast Florida?

    I’m looking for unique crotons. I don’t want the ordinary run of the mill crotons. I don’t mind driving a little but would like to stay on the west coast if possible.