Carol Graf ?


Esteemed Member
Got this croton as a Carol Graf. Was there one at the auction? I was looking for one to compare to, did not see a match for this one ... WideEyed

Carol Graf 1.JPG Carol Graf 2.JPG
Moose, it is a little small yet, but it does look to be Carol Graf. You will surely enjoy watching this one grow out. It is in my Top 30 croton cultivar list now.
Jeff, the picture of the plant is deceiving. On a larger plant, the leaves get larger, like the size of a Father's Day, at least in the Lower Keys anyway.
This came from my friend and neighbor Karen. She was the one who had to have the Blotched Dr. Frank Brown - and bid her a$$ off to get it. :p

The leaves are not that small. Unfortunately it had an undetected croton scale problem that had held it back. I may recall at maturity its leaves being about the size of a Rheedii. Its kinda wet right now, I'll see if I can get a picture with an object for scale in the next few days.
Carol Graff 1.JPG
This is Carol Graff with a 9 inch paper plate for size comparison. Recently planted it should get cranking soon. Sorry about the foggy lens.
Carol Graff 2.JPG
This croton will be exhibiting vibrant pinks as its leaves mature. Wiped off the lens for a cleaner shot.