Recent content by palmsRgreat

  1. palmsRgreat

    Butia X Syagrus Hybrids. I thought I would share some photos as well.

    Great photos of your operation and palms, thanks for posting.
  2. palmsRgreat

    Butia Hybrid Pictures

    Scott, this thread kicks ass, thanks!
  3. palmsRgreat

    Butia Hybrid Pictures

    Believe me when I tell you next time I'm in that area, I'll be giving you a ring! I could use some coaching on hybridizing as well. I've already got some Butia's and Queen's planted right near each other :)
  4. palmsRgreat

    Butia Hybrid Pictures

    I still can't get over the look of that "lightening bolt", I keep coming back to this thread, amazing pictures and palms! Thanks
  5. palmsRgreat

    Butia Hybrid Pictures

    Great, please let me know if or when you have available, good luck!
  6. palmsRgreat

    shrink wrapped palm

    Cool effect Matt, try it out with some colorful crownshafts...?
  7. palmsRgreat

    Aloha and Welcome

    Glad to join here! Looking forward to continuing my palm discussions at another forum
  8. palmsRgreat

    Butia Hybrid Pictures

    Scott, these photos are great! Any chance of purchasing seeds or seedlings from any of these you might have? Butia hybrids are my fav as it gives some alternatives to what I grow here in Houston.