Spring 2015 Garden Tour in Miami

Put down 150 lbs of Harrell's, another 100 lbs of Palm Special plus 50 lbs of K-mag. Hopefully it will kick in and get the plants looking good in time for the Garden tour. :p
RON.... I have been plotting in my mind how I can be there for the event.... so, I can be there to take it all in...
.... and thanks again for your special invite..... thank you. Mark
The rumor is confirmed. Jerry told me of his intentions but still had to work out his logistics, Here is another Jerry creation that will be making the auction, Pixie Abilene Little

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Check out the Jerry thread of one of a kind crotons Jerry has hybridized, simply amazing. Some will be available for the first time ever at the auction. Hmmmm, I believe this also may be the first Croton Garden Tour in Miami Dade County as well.

We all know how Lamar is when he sets his sights on a plant at an auction - he will do what it takes to be the winning bid. I've heard through a third party that Lamar has other family commitments on April 25th. So, we may all have a much better chance at scoring one of Jerry's fabulous crotons.

Check out the Jerry thread of one of a kind crotons Jerry has hybridized, simply amazing. Some will be available for the first time ever at the auction. Hmmmm, I believe this also may be the first Croton Garden Tour in Miami Dade County as well.

We all know how Lamar is when he sets his sights on a plant at an auction - he will do what it takes to be the winning bid. I've heard through a third party that Lamar has other family commitments on April 25th. So, we may all have a much better chance at scoring one of Jerry's fabulous crotons.

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Thanks for the info, now I call off the hit on Lamar! :p
Garden Tour Guidelines:

There will be no formal guided tour, too much like trying to herd cats. Wander around and enjoy the colors.

Please do not move any tags in the garden, that way none get misplaced. If you want to know what a particular cultivar is, just ask. The garden is not so large that I will not be close at hand. I've ordered metal tags to be placed on the plants, hopefully all will be properly tagged by the day of the event.

Wear tennis shoes, work boots or sturdy type foot apparel. The garden is heavily mulched and uneven in many areas. Open toed shoes, sandals and crocs are strongly discouraged. You will not be comfortable if you wear these.

Shouldn’t have to say it but – no cuttings allowed and please don’t ask. Cuttings can be discussed on another date.

Crotons in containers found in the garden will not available for purchase, trade, etc …

Absolutely no pets.

Please do not park on my easement (swale areas between the sidewalk and street). There are over 50 crotons planted in the easement and your vehicle will take away from their ambiance.

The garden will be open at sunrise. The earlier you arrive, the more attention I can give regarding plant identification.

colored moose.jpg
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Help Wanted

Croton Auctioneer (preferably 2, splitting the duties)
Auctioneer's assistant - selects plants and stages them for the auction

Still searching for volunteers. Need two auctioneers, last auction Mike Woolery lost his voice due to the quantity of plants and heavy bidding.

Assistant Auctioneer, very important - keeps the auction moving smoothly along.

Please help if you can

Ahhhhhh, I think Mr Searle will be willing and ready. Remember....the 5 plant rule.

Thanks Jeff. Perhaps Mike can work with you as the alternate auctioneer. I feel its important that the auctioneer can have relief and get to enjoy half the auction from the audience. The 5 plant rule (except where noted in the exceptions) for the east coasters made knowing that Jerry would be bringing the "Daisy" plants, This coupled with some exemplary cultivars by everyone else would create a lot of bidding. A time factor
moose - can also handle the auctioneering; have done it at numerous CFPAC sales; did not lose to much voice while in CLV this weekend either. Good to be back; nothing but grey and brown up there
moose - can also handle the auctioneering; have done it at numerous CFPAC sales; did not lose to much voice while in CLV this weekend either. Good to be back; nothing but grey and brown up there

Copy that Mr. Stager, your on. Perhaps Tim and Mike could split the duties of selecting the order of crotons to be auctioned.
Some more crotons planted in the ground in the Moose Land ...

Dave Butler (seedling from Leopardia-Mine)

Davis #1

Davis hybrid (looks like small leaf Bimbo) from Davis Estate

Davis hybrid (White Monarch?) from Davis Estate




Della McGee



Doctor Alexander


Dr. Alix from Frank Brown's Garden

Dr. Frank Brown (Davis) (JS)
I certainly hope Stan Wood, Mark Hooten, Johnny Shelton and Bob Alonso will be attending. I've got many crotons that need a well trained eye.

Here is one I got from Mike Woolery several years back. We originally were thinking this was a White Bravo. Its way too slow growth wise and slow to establish roots when an air layer is applied. Also way more white coloring then a typical White Bravo. This croton only gets a couple of hours of morning sun, then remains heavily shaded for the remainder of the day.

Some more crotons that will be encountered on the Garden Tour

Dr. Lin Yu Tang


Dreer #7

Duke of Windsor

Duncan Macaw

Earl’s Court


Eleanor Fischler

Eleanor Roosevelt


Ethel Craig




Father’s Day

Faye Miller

Planted a few for the benefit of the Garden Tour attendees.

Hot and Steamy
Cherry Pop
Dave Butler
Dream Girl
Carol Graff
Nancy Reagan
Rose Charmer
Shady Lane
Hey Ron, there's a couple of plants you just listed that I don't know. Can you share the dave butler croton? I'm sure it's a bute!!

The Dave Butler was planted about a week ago. Its one of my seedlings, found it sprouted beneath the Leopardia. I'll be happy to point it out to you during the tour. It looks absolutely nothing like the Leopardia, or any other croton within 80 ft. of the Leopardia. I decided to name a croton after Mr. Butler as he does deserved to be recognized for his past contributions to the croton community. His Crotonmania website did introduce many people to the croton world before this forum was in existence. It was also my understanding he had done extensive research locating old gardens searching for long forgotten croton cultivars. Was personally not a fan of Mr. Butler's posts when he was a member here. I do feel that he is worthy of a footnote in croton history and a namesake to a plant. If you disagree, so be it, its my seedling to name.

And its not a Brute, actually kind of interesting in my opinion. I just yoked out my very first seedling today (about a 3 footer) and tossed it into the trash. Was not a particularly great looking croton situated in a prime location. It was replaced with a much more deserving looking one. The Dave Butler made the cut, named it about a year ago.
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Some more Crotons found in the Moose Land ...

Fiesta (Illustrious)


Franklin Roosevelt

Freckles from Frank Brown's garden

Geisha Girl

General MacArthur

General Marshall

General Paget from Frank Brown's garden

Glen Roof


Golden Glow - it may be Johanna Coppinger


Goldstar Selectra


“Grandma” (found)

Green & Gold


Helen Edge

Her Highness


Hot & Steamy

More croton encounters for the attendees ...


Irene Kingsley


Jean Frances Fascell

James Kiefert (sport from Eleanor Roosevelt) found

Joe Friday


John Bender

John Soar

Judy’s Beauty

Jungle Queen



King of Siam


Lady Claire



Lime Light

LM Rutherford

Long John Bender (Seedling-Mine)

Lord Bellhaven

Lucille Alonzo
I need to clarify the reasoning behind the number limit of crotons that can be submitted to the auction. The limits were mostly invoked to curtail the length of the auction. A large turn out is expected so there will be many crotons to bid on. Secondly, the croton limit will encourage some very impressive hard to find crotons to appear. The Best of the Best from around our State. A long drawn out auction is what is trying to be avoided. Personally, I could sit through an 8 hour croton auction and remain intrigued, but three hours seems what most can tolerate - that is what we are striving for.

However, it is greatly encouraged that you bring additional crotons to be offered for trade or to sell. West of Manny's house will the be Trade / Sale area, set away from the auction arena. The Sale / Trade area can easily accommodate 250+ plants. Nicely shaded, this should be fun experience for all.

Here is a shot of the trading / sale spot

Dropping off crotons will be at either Manny's drive way or the entrance gate.

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Here is the Drive Gate with a fragrant Lyang Lyang Tree (Cananga odorata) adjacent to it. The Lyang Lyang has a few blossoms on it but hopefully the buds I saw this morning will develope and provide us some wonderful aromas by April 25th.

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The main entrance gate will be another drop off point. The is a wonderful Pseudobombax ellipticum (Shaving Brush Tree) next to it. Its in bloom right now with brilliant pink flowers. Unfortunately, the blooming will likely be over by the time of the Tour date. I'll have my rubber maid cart available to assist moving your plants to either the auction or Trade/Sell area.

Please be courteous by dropping your plants off, then park you vehicle in the designated area. Please do not leave you vehicle in front of Manny's home, this area his family's cars and dropping off plants.
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The designated parking area will be along the southern wall of the cemetery. Its just NW of the Moose Land. Just hang a left from the western road bordering the Moose Land

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Here is the beginning of the parking area, photo taken from my west drive gate.

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The Designated Parking area stretches the entire block. Of course the earlier you arrive, the less you walk. Ignore the No Parking signage, residents and their guests are permitted to park there. Plenty of parking for all.

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Here is a shot from the Designated Parking area back towards Moose Land.
Dropping off crotons will be at either Manny's drive way or the entrance gate.

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Here is the Drive Gate with a fragrant Lyang Lyang Tree (Cananga odorata) adjacent to it. The Lyang Lyang has a few blossoms on it but hopefully the buds I saw this morning will develope and provide us some wonderful aromas by April 25th.

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The main entrance gate will be another drop off point. The is a wonderful Pseudobombax ellipticum (Shaving Brush Tree) next to it. Its in bloom right now with brilliant pink flowers. Unfortunately, the blooming will likely be over by the time of the Tour date. I'll have my rubber maid cart available to assist moving your plants to either the auction or Trade/Sell area.

Please be courteous by dropping your plants off, then park you vehicle in the designated area. Please do not leave you vehicle in front of Manny's home, this area his family's cars and dropping off plants.

Dang - looking at the typos, I can tell I was tired. too late to edit. :(
The designated parking area will be along the southern wall of the cemetery. Its just NW of the Moose Land. Just hang a left from the western road bordering the Moose Land

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Here is the beginning of the parking area, photo taken from my west drive gate.

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The Designated Parking area stretches the entire block. Of course the earlier you arrive, the less you walk. Ignore the No Parking signage, residents and their guests are permitted to park there. Plenty of parking for all.

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Here is a shot from the Designated Parking area back towards Moose Land.

I'm having my son James create signage directing towards the designated parking area.
Here is the auction area located in the eastern portion of Manny's property (to your left when entering enterance gate). It can easily accommodate 70+ bidders. Please drop off all auction plants towards the back fence under the big oak tree.

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No matter how warm it is that day, we will be in the cool shade during the Auction.
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Massive Oak protecting both auction plants and bidders.
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A towering Avocado next to the oak.
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And a specimen fruiting Sapodilla (Manikara zapota), unfortunately the fruit is out of reach even with my picker pole.
Since people with nefarious ideas can access my address via a property seach, no need to send a bunch of PM's giving out my address.

Moose Land is located at:

4399 SW 10 Street
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Phone: 305-445-7228

I will probably not be close to the phone the morning of the tour. My wife Pam will attempt to answer any directional questions you may have.
Ok, I'm confused. My attorneys will be notified.

Ron.....may I suggest you take a deep breath and relax. Get some sleep, whatever. There are two other private gardens to tour later, will we be finished by 11am?

Lol, Jeff
SOOOOOOO....who's coming? The date is nearing. I'm sure the Moose is anxious to know or get an idea who is coming. After all, he needs to have enough chairs and tables to accommodate the huge crowds. Pets are allowed? Kept on a leash I assumed. Maybe need to put up the 4" wide yellow caution tape down the street so as attendees don't park on other's grass in front of their houses. Hey! How about a sandwich board with info and directions up at the corner of your street, to lure in potential new crotonheads? Ron has assured me that he will be up at the crack of dawn.....probably still with a flashlight in his back pocket. So come early.....come all!

I thought the auction was always held at the last stop on a tour Jeff will there a a sale at all three?
Due to an unexpected issue with our place in the Keys, I made a quick trip last week to address it. Three weeks prior I had sprayed the yard for mites & scale, as well as fertilize and was gratified to see the yard flushing and vibrant. While there I pulled the hybrids with the most potential and dropped them off at the Mooseland for the upcoming tour & auction on my way back to Houston. I hope you like them.

Here are the un-named two year olds:

First up is this green & yellow - very large leaves & vivid coloring. One of the better ones in this class.