Is It or Isn't It?


Esteemed Member
Yellow Petra?
Thank you Mike. I guess I will keep both, but I like the looks of the darker green with the creamy yellow (1st post) best.
I got rid of half my reg Petras this year. The ones I did keep are looking great this year.
Scott, I agree. We tend to snub Petras because they are so common. Well, they are gorgeous plants and that's a good portion of why they are so common. I love mine too. Thanks for posting your beauties.

Ana - you are 100% correct! If Colonel Bob Bullock, Richard Krukonis, Connie Cutler, etc ... were in the big box stores for $8.88 for a three gallon plant and Petras were as rare as Exotica, we would be tripping over each other trying to locate one. Just my opinion.

Besides being a genectically unstable plant, with so many Petras being massed produced - it only makes sense that there would be different coloring variations. Just another of my unsolisted opinions. :rolleyes:

Scott - that is a real looker. Don't tell anyone, I've got three Petras in the Moose Land.