Pastor Abel ?


Esteemed Member
This named cultivar is listed in the Wiki but has no photo. I may recall hearing this cultivar talked about but am drawing a blank remembering any details. Is this name a synomon for another named croton? Is anyone growing Pastor Able ? Could someone post a photo?

Can anyone shed any light about this croton? Any help? :confused:

Ana realizes that she may not get all the on list in the Wiki updated with photos. We need to give her are full support the best we can. :D
Yesterday I showed Ana the plant I got from David McLean as Pastor Abel. It does not have another ID. The problem is that Jeff has a different plant from David with that name. It turns out that Pastor Abel was the minister of the church where David got the cuttings. I'll post this week to see if we can get an ID on it.
Yesterday I showed Ana the plant I got from David McLean as Pastor Abel. It does not have another ID. The problem is that Jeff has a different plant from David with that name. It turns out that Pastor Abel was the minister of the church where David got the cuttings. I'll post this week to see if we can get an ID on it.

Marie - from Jeff's post we see that his got ID'd. So the herd has been thinned to yours. Perhaps you could post a photo of your Pastor Abel for the Wiki. Of course when you think the plant is ready for its photo op. Won't say when you get time - you have too many plants to have any extra time LOL ;)