Updated Schedule for Saturday, August 25th


Well-Known Member
Randy's house from 9am to around 10:30am.
I'd like to have everyone here by 11am, but I'm not taking attendance.
I have at least a dozen unknown Crotons that I'd like everyone to take a stab at identifying.
Air Layer demo around noon and we should be eating by 12:30.
Auction when we're ready; I'm guessing around 2pm.

For sale: Uncarina grandidieri in one-gallon cans - $20 each, Caesalpinia pulcherrima with pink flowers (rare) in three-gallon cans, 4 or 5 plants to a pot - $20 each, all plants are ready to go in the ground.
Ricky - Could we drop off plants at your place before going to Randy's? Will you have some sort of shading in the driveway for the plants?

I plan on having coffee with Randy early - he has so many amazing plants. :)