Big time rain event occuring ,plants should be looking better for garden tour :)


Esteemed Member
I was a little worried about garden tour as my plants were looking ok but not vibrant.Hoping this 4+ inch rain event will get things moving and some new growth flushing :)
Thunder Bolt and Lightning, very very frightening.

Galileo, Galileo ... :rolleyes:


Nitrogen enriched and slightly below 7.0 ph level rain will definitely get 'um cranking! :eek:

Better than water soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer in my opinion. :cool:

Spread around some of your composted manure in the rain so it washes in. It will be like dessert. ;)
Going on 1pm on sunday and the rain has not stopped! Just a nice, steady rain. The great thing I love about it is, I just fertilized the entire yard this past week with palm and a tropical fertilizer and it's getting all washed in.
The Agave, Prickly Pear and Peruvian Hedge cactus tour would be nice here. It hasn't stopped scorching here for hours....about 504 hours to be exact. I have some of the finest looking mites around.
I emptied the rain guage out this morning with almost 4" of rain, mostly all of sunday and a tad from late saturday night. The yard is saturated!!! Expecting much more today(monday and even tuesday).